Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Quittin' Time! (For now!) 8/1/17

Whew!  My goal was to get the wagon back on the road by the end of July, and that I did!  I've never been so relieved to get a project done!

In the last post, I had finished priming the seat and set it aside while I tended to the wagon box itself.

The box received about eight coats of sanding primer, which then had to be...sanded!  Like taking the fingernails down to the quick sanding!

I wet sanded the box, and later the seat, with 400 grit sandpaper, and just like the last project, you can still see faint sanding scratches in the final finish.  600 grit produced a finer finish on the last project, but I think there are adhesion concerns, so I decided to just live with it.

Hubby erected a plastic paint booth in the shop for me.  I couldn't have gotten such a nice result without it!

Once the wagon box was finished, I couldn't wait to put it back on the gear and re-mount all the peripherals...

After my descent into yet another crazy task!

I decided to pinstripe the wheels and gear!

Hey, only 64 spokes!

As long as you don't inspect the amateurish job minutely, the slim, pale yellow pinstripes add a nice touch.

I used a Beugler striping tool for the wheels, and 3M fine line masking tape for the gear.

We took it out for a couple of drives before parking it in the carriage shed, shiny and sound and still needing a few details tended to!  But the project ate up the entire month of July, and now it's time to turn my attention to other summer projects around the property!  This coming fall, I will bring the seat in for upholstery, and tend to those little details that didn't get done in July!

See you again in the fall!